Salut mes Petits croissants!

Today we are making one of my and many’s favourite, the pasta Carbonara. Guanciale, egg and cheese some pasta water and you have a grand dish.

But me version is a little bit away from the classic and has a rather modern approach, that being said the markers and the final taste have been respected.

Regardless people will be mad and that’s ok, people be stuck in the past.

Anyway, enough talking, let’s get cooking! Shall we?

Serves 4

Pasta dough
See recipe on the website

Guanciale crisps
12 paper thin slices Guanciale

  • Slice the Guanciale or have your butcher do it.
  • Pace them on a baking tray over parchment paper and cover them with another layer of parchment.
  • Add another baking tray to bake sure they stay flat and bake them in a 350F oven for 10 min or until crispy.
  • Once cooked, place them over absorbing paper to soak up the extra fat.

Guanciale dices
6 oz Guanciale 

  • Dice your Guanciale and cook them in a cold pan until nice and crispy, remove them from the pan onto absorbing paper.
  • Set aside most of the Guanciale fat and leave the rest of it in the pan for later.

Tortellini stuffing
Pasta dough
3 oz Parmesan
3 oz Pecorino
4 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
Fresh cracked black pepper (to taste)

  • Mix the cheese and eggs together until smooth, season with black pepper to your liking.
  • Roll the dough thin and cut 3″ circles. Keep the pasta trimmings for the foam.
  • Add 1 tbsp of off mix in the centre of each circle, close and fold them. You will have extra mix, this will be use for the foam.
  • Place them on a tray with corn meal to cure, about 10 minutes.

Carbonara foam
Dough trimmings
Egg mix leftover
Isi gun + Co2 cartridge
4 tbsp Guanciale fat

  • Cook the trimmings in water for a minute and take 2 cups of the cooking water (I usually eat the trimmings with a bit of olive oil, chives and Parmesan shavings, BEST snack ever).
  • Mix the cooking water with the egg mixture until smooth and pour it into the ISI gun.
  • Charge it with 3 cartridges and place the ISI un in a bowl filled with boiling water (this will keep the foam warm).
  • Set aside.


  • Cook the pasta until al dente and place them in the pan with the Guanciale fat.
  • Toss them, add the Guanciale dices.
  • Season with black pepper, add a bit of pasta water to emulsify.
  • Plate in the bowl, garnish with the dices, cover with the foam.
  • Garnish with the Guanciale chips and serve.
  • Bon appétit!

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