Salut mes P’tits Croissants!

This one is for the vegan and the lactose intolerant. We are making a delicious avocado pudding.
Not only it’s so simple to make but it also requires few ingredients and you can make it in 5 minutes.

Avocado is a great replacement for butter or cream due to its natural richness. It’s also very delicious.

Ok, now it’s time to get cooking. Shall we?!

Serves 4

Avocado pudding
2 pcs (240gr) Avocados (ripe)
1/4 cup (65ml) Cacao powder
1/4 cup (65ml) Melted choco chips
3-4 tbsp (56ml) Milk
1/2 tsp (2.5ml) Vanilla paste
1 pinch Kosher salt
1/4 (65ml) Maple syrup

  • Combine all ingredients into a food processor or a blender.
  • Blitz until smooth and place in a piping bag.
  • Pipe the pudding into small jars and decorate with berries of your choice.
  • Bon appétit!

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